Use "heretic|heretics" in a sentence

1. Damned heretics!

2. Justice for heretics?

3. Tatian —Apologist or Heretic?

4. Albigenses, the heretics—especially the Catharist heretics—of 12th–13th-century southern France

5. Have become Anathematised heretics.” —

6. Accused of Being a Heretic

7. The heretic met with severe persecution .

8. Albigenses, also called Albigensians, the heretics—especially the Catharist heretics—of 12th–13th-century southern France

9. Heretics were burnt at the stake .

10. Heretics were burned at the stake.

11. 1556 – Thomas Cranmer is declared a heretic.

12. Cathari and heretics, Catharism and the Albigensian Crusade

13. The two heretics were burned at the stake.

14. The so - called heretic was sent to the gallows.

15. Bugger (plural Buggers) (obsolete) A heretic

16. Albigenses, the usual designation of the heretics—and more especially the Catharist heretics—of the south of France in the 12th and 13th centuries

17. Skin for Heretic II by Bucku&UrHorse2

18. Alcaeus was a Greek Natural Troll Heretic

19. By makers of Kult : Heretic Kingdoms ( 74 % at Gamerankings ).

20. Change was popularly associated with the impious ways of foreign heretics.

21. Bogomilism had a profound influence on heretic teachings in Russia

22. Does the heretic suddenly fear the flames of academic oblivion?

23. The faker of the shroud had to be a heretic.

24. The Visconti remained Contumaciously absent and were duly condemned as heretics

25. We do not destroy the heretic because he resists us.

26. Many evangelical Protestants think them heretics — the ruder ones regularly heckle Mormon conferences.

27. He has been called a fascist, a heretic and shenjingbing , a lunatic.

28. Heretics would scurry into their bomb shelters, while air raid sirens warned of incoming bombers.

29. Anti Pope Francis Antipope, Antichrist, Heretic and Apostate (Jorge Bergoglio) Exposed

30. The appellation of heretic has always been applied to the less numerous party.

31. He was considered a heretic and was ridiculed and ostracized for his ideas.

32. Blasphemer is intended to be the Heretic equivalent of Freedoom and Zauberer

33. One heretic in good condition in return for the coffin housing Elena.

34. The main verses that these heretics misuse are Psalm John 34 - 36 , and I John

35. It is a mercy to give these precise Anathemas to heretics because they need to …

36. For every heretic it burned at the stake, thousands of others rose up.

37. Joan of Arc was condemned as a heretic and burned at the stake.

38. All Bin Laden's rhetoric is but pretext for his malicious anti - humanity and anti - civilization heretic religion.

39. Macedonius I of Constantinople, a heretic, was the bishop of Constantinople during the mid-fourth century

40. Through describing the heretic which its forming reasons and developing process are presented to the readers.

41. What happens when you mix a Commissar with heretics? You get sweet, sweet bolt pistol action

42. 1415 – Religious reformers John Wycliffe and Jan Hus are condemned as heretics at the Council of Constance.

43. Blasphemer is a project to create a free software/open source Heretic IWAD file

44. Earning the sinister new Blasphemer, Apostate and Heretic weapons in Destiny 2 is simple

45. Synonyms for 'Anticlerical': secular, irreverent, agnostic, godless, irreligious, unorthodox, humanism, atheist, heretic, rationalist, apostate

46. Their doctrine found few sympathisers in the Hejaz, and the Mufti of Mecca pronounced them heretics.

47. 1199, Pope Innocent III declares to be heretics any who translate and discuss Bible: g 12/11 6

48. Civil authorities Burned persons judged to be heretics under the medieval Inquisition.Burning heretics had become customary practice in the latter half of the twelfth century in continental Europe, and death by burning became statutory punishment from the early 13th century

49. There are no moral ambiguities here; all decisions are obvious any but a damned heretic.

50. She was imprisoned, tried as a heretic, and then burned at the stake in 1431.

51. 19 Scientists have identified Akhenaten, the " heretic " king who introduced monotheism to ancient Egypt, as Tutankhamun's father.

52. He sought all his life to surpass his uncle, Championing those labeled heretic by a vital capitalistic society.

53. Buggery Meaning: "heresy," from Old French bougrerie, from bougre "heretic" (see bugger (n.))

54. Demned by Catholics as an Antiascetic heretic, Jovinian has been the subject of quite conflicting theological evaluations

55. 16 Greek Christian theologian and founder of Arianism , a doctrine that led to his condemnation as a heretic.

56. I do not find anything else except that we consider heretics all those that do not agree with our opinion. . . .

57. Reflecting the Church's concern to preserve the integrity of faith, the Fathers Anathematized heretics in a variety of terms

58. He also did business with another heretic, Sir John Cheyne of Beckford, but no suspicion ever fell upon himself.

59. By virtue of this, there does not appear to have been in Ireland any large-scale persecution of heretics.

60. Blasphemer (Shotgun) Dec-30: Apostate (Sniper Rifle) Dec-31: Heretic (Rocket Launcher) The Altars of Sorrow rotation is pretty forgiving

61. Blasphemer is a total conversion project for the Heretic engine intending to provide a full replacement IWAD under a new BSD license.Blasphemer requires a limit-removing source port to work as its levels are not all compatible with vanilla Heretic.

62. Following the execution of Servetus, a close associate of Calvin, Sebastian Castellio, broke with him on the issue of the treatment of heretics.

63. When his men asked how they were to distinguish between Catholics and heretics, he reportedly gave the infamous reply quoted above.

64. Afrits are similar to Heretic's Gargoyles, but unlike the Gargoyles in Heretic, the Afrits are nearly black and covered in fire

65. The heretic theory of Newberry, Černý, Grdseloff and others was devised from the very limited archaeological information available during their lifetimes.

66. 9 Eck:German Roman Catholic theologian who opposed the reforms of Martin Luther and procured from Rome the papal bull that declared Luther a heretic (15.

67. Blockhouse is the second level of The Ossuary, the fourth episode of Heretic, and the first of the Shadow of the Serpent Riders expansion

68. In order to get the Blasphemer Shotgun, Heretic Rocket Launcher, or the Apostate Sniper Rifle, players must complete the activity, killing the final boss

69. Eck:German Roman Catholic theologian who opposed the reforms of Martin Luther and procured from Rome the papal bull that declared Luther a heretic (15.

70. Auto da fe (plural Auto da fes or autos da fe) The public announcement of the sentences imposed by the Inquisition on supposed heretics

71. Only after his death was the terrible truth discovered, that he was in fact a wicked and most dangerous heretic, the leader of the Anabaptists, David Joris.

72. 9 The Gnostics and the Manichaeans also believed in transmigration, but early Christians who adopted Gnostic and Manichaean doctrines were declared heretics by the church.

73. In this cause, he recruited the great Catholic princes, nobles and prelates, signed the treaty of Joinville with Spain, and prepared to make war on the "heretics".

74. The accused rarely had someone to defend him, since any lawyer or witness in his behalf would himself have been accused of aiding and abetting a heretic.

75. Apostolici, Apostolic Brethren, or Apostles, the names given to various Christian heretics, whose common doctrinal feature was an ascetic rigidity of morals, which made them reject property and marriage

76. As to midwifery, one historian reasoned: “How was it possible to trust one’s life to a heretic whose goal was to destroy the existing order?”

77. The eponymous Beheaded of Palermo (who were not always Beheaded; many were hanged men and women from the lower classes) were not obliterated in the way heretics were

78. Blasphemer is a project to create a free and open-source Heretic IWAD file. Combined with the free source code, this results in a complete Doom-based game

79. Bedrink: …firm and resolute man."1899, University of Virginia, The Virginia spectator: That "moreover it Behooveth to scourge all such heretics as would have it that these…

80. I Arrogantly assumed 20 years of friendship meant I was exempt Is the suspect Arrogantly leaving us a message? Lord Cromwell did Arrogantly defend these heretic preachers